
By astudyinscarlet

addictive properties

everyone knows drugs are partners in crime with tinfoil, right? the last squares of the chocolate hazelnut extravaganza were saved for the post-edition break - and boy were they needed! a day that starts at 10am and doesn't finish til 1am is not good; when it's filled with the rubbish and wrangling and other crap this one was even more so. to cap it all, about 20 mins after i took this i was handing over my beloved private eye mug for someone to fill with more tea and dropped it - and had to watch it break in half on the floor :-( and they don't make them any more :-(

<thanks again to NB for loan of desk, nasty cardboard tea beaker and milk carton; cake = stylist's own - tho not for long...>

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