Photocation:Day 5__La Jolla, California

An all-day rain was predicted for today.
About 5:00 AM big drops pelted our metal roof.
Luckily, it stopping after about 45 min.'s
Just long enough for these two photographers to snap a few.

At La Jolla,
No pelicans resting on the cliffs near the cove.
Only a few seals lounging on the rock outcroppings that jut into the Pacific.

Much of the wildlife had moved to areas,
Protected from the wind.
Because today, the ocean planned to deliver,

A natural phenonmena that occurs when,
Earth, moon and sun align,
Causing an increased gravitational pull on the Earth's oceans.
This produces the hightest and the lowest tides of the year.
Today's King Tide : The 2nd and last one for 2013.
Mild compared to the Kings in January and December,
Those crashed through windows of homes and stores.
Wreaking havoc up and down the Pacific coastline.

During a brief break in the clouds,
We found a whole lotta pelicans on a cliff near the ifeguard tower,
The cool thing:
We got very close by standing on the staricase leading to the beach,
The only drawback,
While looking through the viewfinder,
We'd miss the approach of a big old wave,

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