Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Spot the law breaker

As the notice says, wearing a mask in all markets is now obligatory. There were one or two who were risking a fine.  Several stallholders had the mask under their chin as did the local village policeman setting a very bad example.  That surprises no-one as he is the son of the Maire and most people think his appointment was a case of nepotism. Cloud cover made a walk possible in the morning but the sun burnt off the clouds and it has become uncomfortably hot. I spent all last dealing with the fall out of having fallen victim to a very clever scam. I have a new bank card and several sites have sent reminders that a bill requires updated details.  I received a similar message from EE and followed a link to a site that was a perfect copy of their site and proceeded to add my details for payment. Only at the end did a small detail alert me to the possibility of a scam but it was too late. I immediately cancelled my card which is a pain as the new one will be sent to my UK address. My Facebook account had been accessed and so I have had to change passwords right, left and centre on other accounts.  I hope I have covered all the bases but maybe other problems will come to light.

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