Murphy's Lore

By stevemurphy

Flowers R (not) Us

I'm not usually a flowery type of person but trying to do a picture, or should I say blip, a day needs some sort of imagination as I'm sure you'll all agree. So stepping out of your comfort zone every now and again is a must if things are to be kept fresh.

I tidied the garden pots up last weekend and bought a few plants from the garden centre - these heather already had some flowers on them (early spring flowerers apparently) but I'm sure there are more today than there were last Saurday when I planted them - I know - I should have taken a picture - that way I'd have known for sure - well I'll know next weekend now I've taken a few shots.

I'd tried the picture in colour and black and white but I do love the way monochrome allows for light, structure and texture within any shot - I'm not against colour at all but I do love the simplicity black and white adds to photography.

I hope you like :))

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