Wednesday's painting...

... Some white lights woke me up again after midnight. Popeye was pacing the bungalow again patrolling every room and every corner. I had a headache, and yet again first thought was something is wrong with my eyes. But then sheets of white lightning started tinged with electric pink, blue, and maybe a green.

I shut cat in my bedroom, and then went outside with my Android phone camera. The Perseids were supposed to be active in the night. But no way could a meteor shower compete with a lightning storm. The sky was about one third clear and two thirds cloudy. And I could see stars.

I did try to take photos of the lightning strikes but I knew I would fail because the nighttime setting on my Pixel needs an object to stay still and it takes 5 seconds to take the photo. But what was interesting was on this setting, my Android picked up the beginning of the lightning strike before I could visually see it with my eyes. 

I came back in and Popeye was pacing my bedroom. He can’t keep doing that. I don’t think it is good for him at his age. He obviously is disturbed by highly electric storms. And I had a headache. Two hours later and there is still bits of lightning sheets. A towel over my eyes again to shut out the lightning. And holding Popeye. I fell asleep.

At 4 am I woke. No cat on my bed. I shot out of bed. Where is cat? I couldn’t find him anywhere. OMG I am thinking, he’s dead. Then I look up wards. He has climbed out of reach and is calmly watching me in amazement, charging round like a headless chicken.

He won’t come down, and if I attempt a ladder that will probably end up me falling off, so I left him. He is 28 years old and not climbed that high for a few years.

So I went and made a tea and a coffee and went back to bed. Popeye joined me awhile later. And is asleep on me now. Of course I am wide awake.

It has been 24 C in my bungalow all night despite fans going. It is 19 C on my outdoors thermometer at 6am. The temperature is going to be horrendous later. And it is misty outside. I have not seen mist in a long time.

I think I need some sleep but headache still here because of heat...

My digital painting today in Procreate.

You want an explanation...there ain't one...I think I need sleep. Going into that blazing sun in the garden now. It is 4C cooler out there than it is in my far...and you might find me bidding on eBay later from under the shade of the willow tree...

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