Reading with Gran.

After out Wednesday morning “click & collect” we swung past Fiona’s house and popped in to see JJ & AB. JJ was at “proper “ school yesterday morning for the first time and is keen to go back again. He didn’t take at all kindly to the school uniform and Fiona was a bit concerned that he might not want to go but it seems all is well so far.
AB however is a pretty independent young lady and will doubtless return happily to pre-school.
Today’s extra is a shot of a couple of JJ’s scary dinosaurs. I do think Chloe would be able to deal with them though.
What a night last night! We were out in the garden after dark watching the lightning flickering almost constantly among the clouds. It was not until later on that we could hear any thunder though. It made up for it in the wee small hours though, from about 2.30 am the flashing was constant and close and the thunder just rolled on and on. I think my ears got used to the racket by 3.30 and I finally dozed off again!

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