Double A Side

Possibly the best double A sided single ever.

On my weekly geocaching expedition with Paul we went over to Liverpool to do a few caches along the waterfront. Before we met up I decided to do an Adventure Lab cache which is a relatively new cache type that runs on a separate app on a phone but is included in your geocache total.

The adventure lab I did visited 5 sites in Liverpool related to the Beatles so the first was in Woolton where the grave of Eleanor Rigby is located. I then went to Strawberry Fields followed by John Lennon's house where he lived with his Aunt Mimi. Finally I went to Penny Lane where there was one question by the "shelter in the middle of the roundabout" followed by the road sign at the other end. As someone who has read a lot about the Beatles I found it all extremely interesting. 

On a further Penny Lane note there is a pub halfway along the road called the Dovedale Towers where I did some filming as an SA on a beer advert featuring Jurgen Klopp at the start of the year. Freddie Mercury had an apartment in the pub for a short time at the start of the 1970s and we used the room in between filming.

My blip combines two photos and it is the first time I have ever tried this so I had to give myself a quick photoshop lesson.

Our geocaching walk ended up as 8 miles which was a lot in the heat and humidity. However there were some excellent hides and it was a great day out.

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