The Long Road Home

Song: The Long Road Home · Babbie Mason

I changed my Blip photo because I realized that the other photo I took today could represent a song I like. This is a photo of the very long driveway to my friend's house; I like the way the fence leads the eye down this portion of the road. The little red structure on the other side of the fence had a goat sleeping in that top little straw area when I first arrived at her house; I didn't see it when I was leaving and took this photo back toward her house.

The first photo I put us was of the field of Sunflowers (in Extra) that were brightly lit by the sun. I saw this field as I was driving home from my friend's house where we had our book study group meeting this afternoon. She lives past the farmland to the North of our neighborhood and it is a place we can meet with masks, outside, sitting 6 feet apart. Since it was cooler today she had us sit in her gazebo that has a gas fire pit in the was cozy and comfortable. I think the high today was about 74F......perfect weather for me.

Our house is about 1/4 painted........ so far so good. 

Stay Safe and Be Nice.

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