
I am the stinkiest I have ever been in my whole little collie dog life!!! Actually I'm sure I'm not, but Ann seems to think I am.

Yvonne looked after me today and she let me roll in cow dung and wallow in dirty smelly water. I love Yvonne. She takes me for the longest walks ever.

At 5pm she took me to 'St Ives Holidays' office because Ann had been working all day and we were going to walk home together. Ann said we would walk home via the beach because she thought sea water and sand would be a better smell than stinky manure?!!!!

Well that didn't work did it?!! I'm still extremely stinky. Ann has just given me a chew which I'm chewing on the bedroom floor. We were hoping that I could be back in the kitchen by today but our kitchen refurb isn't going as fast as anticipated. The electrician & plumber both had 'emergencies' yesterday so we still haven't got any water or electrics in our kitchen. Grrrrr.............

The last thing Ann wants to do on a Saturday night is give me a bath.

.................Ann says Saturday nights should be for drinking wine; not for bathing stinky collie's!!!!!!

PS - I would just like to say, Thank you Yvonne, I've had the bestest day ever and I hope you'll look after me again. I have such fun when you take me for my walks!!! xxx

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