This is a card sent recently . . . but these creatures were clearly whispering to each other . . .
My name is . . . He Knows No Fear . . . HKNF
Yesterday HKNF was running his second ever race in Ireland. On his first outing HKNF was dreadful . . . so bad that even his owner chose not to go and see him run yesterday and did not place a bet on him. HKNF started as the odds of 300/1 in the betting shops. By the time the race started he was 999/1 with the on-course bookies . . . and he came home first !
That will teach us to have faith . . . to realise the importance of living up to our name . . . that steely determination is going to be needed by us all to overcome C-19 . . .
Hope you all have a grand weekend ahead !

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