 - Drosera rotundifolia -

According to Wikipedia; "Drosera rotundifolia, the round-leaved sundew or common sundew, is a species of sundew, a carnivorous plant often found in bogs, marshes and fens."

Today was full of action and a fair bit of photography so at the end of the day I had lots of pictures of gorgeous sunsets, rock carvings, sailing boats, chickens and art. (See them on flickr.) However, the picture I liked best was of the sundew plants, little carnivorous bog plants, that I've known about since my teenage years but never seen until today.
My day of activity...

Lazed around reading the paper and eating breakfast.
Went out and picked a couple of liters of bilberries. Cleaned, packaged, and frozen.

Had a shower, partly to get clean and partly to ease the mosquito bites from the bilberry picking.

Drove to Nebulosa Farm, a combination of cafe, garden, art centre, studio. We were there to look at a friend's photography exhibition. Interesting pictures presented in interesting ways. I particularly liked the transparent pictures placed on a window. While there I bought a coffee and we sat in the garden watching the hens and ducks wander around. The coffee was really good, and that's saying something in this land where coffee is nearly a religion. The whole experience would have been idyllic, were it not for the very busy main road (the E4) running by just a few meters away!

Headed further south to meet Roger and Livia, switched to their car and headed even further south to the fishing village of Skatan. Like many such villages it no longer has much to do with fishing and is now an exclusive piece of real-estate for rich people, in this case from Sundsvall. However, the fish smoking business, and shop, and restaurant is still in the centre of the village and we ate really amazing food there, on this gorgeous evening.

We still were not done with the day so we drove on, parked, and took a footpath down to the sea. The footpath led through beautiful pine forest down to the smooth rocks just above the sea, where we found rock carvings from the end of the 1800's. Similar rock carvings are found at the pilots' station outside Härnösand and I suspect these carvings were made by Sundsvall pilots, waiting for a sailing boat to arrive and give them some business guiding it into the harbour.
Roger had promised me carnivorous plants and I was a little puzzled, because I knew they grew in boggy soil and here there was just granite, almost a granite desert! Then we came to some closed pools with no outlets, where thick moss had developed around the water, and there were the sundews.
We sat around on the smooth rocks, watching the sun go down, watching the cormorants lined up, also watching the sun set (extra). We chatted and generally thought how good the world can be on a warm evening, above a warm sea.

Back to the car, back to Livia and Roger's for ice-cream with hot cloudberries, beer, chocolates, and more chat. It is so good to have friends!

Finally we headed home ourselves. We got to bed around 2 o'clock in the morning, so this is yet again a backblip!  What a wonderful day that was!

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