A doing very little day. Again!

Apart from nipping down to the Co-op for a few food items and an orchid in a bright pink bucket I did very little.
I was meaning to go to the Bailiwick Big Day Out which is just up the road from home but I delayed because it wasn’t too warm and I was enjoying sitting in my chair without sweat dripping down my neck. Then I watched Jane Eyre (couldn’t totally follow it so had to google the story) and by then it was just too hot for me to venture up Catherine Le Pelley Steps and on up the hill to Government House.
Before I went off shopping I did book myself onto a rib voyage to the Hanois Lighthouse in a couple of weeks time. I’m really looking forward to that so hope the weather is calm on the day.
And yesterday afternoon I arranged for a group of us to go to the Escape Room in the Town Church one evening. I’d forgotten all about this and just managed to get a booking before the event ends.

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