Our Tawny

I’ve mentioned before that there are tawny owls in the conifers just in front of our house. We’ve previously seen the female going off to hunt; she says ke-wick, and heard Dad replying hoo-hoo-oo. For the last few days we’ve heard a variety of noisy sounds from what we think is a juvenile male learning to call, but not having quite mastered it. S/he is probably very hungry if Mum & Dad couldn’t hunt in the torrential rain.

About 5pm he was calling repeatedly. We went out to look and spotted this one looking down at us. We think it’s the juvenile waiting for a meal but if anyone knows better, do say.

Peter took this shot which I’ve stolen for my blip. He’s much better than me at holding the long lens steady. I could post mine, but then all you’d get is some blurred pine branches!

Earlier we’d taken Reggie for a short walk in the northern most part of Panshanger Park and just avoided an absolute soaking. Our bike ride had to wait till later but it was good when we finally got round the local loop.

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