Big Cat Sighting

It's been a tale of two opticians today as we ventured into Cheltenham. Mrsfb wanted an eye test as she has been reporting blurry vision lately. I wasn't allowed in so I had a walk about the town. I was quite pleased to spot this enormous cat mural. I wanted the guy with the mask to walk into the frame but he saw I was composing so waited. Good to see everyone wearing masks in the shops.  Mrsfb needs distance glasses now as well as for reading, and for reading her prescription has changed. She is normally very indecisive these days so I was pleased she managed to find some distance glasses she liked and which looked good on her. She likes her current reading glass frames so we thought we could just get new lenses. It turned out to be cheaper to buy a brand new pair of the same design as there were discounts rather than just have new lenses fitted. Crazy.

While she was sorting that out I visited a different optician as I had problems with the frames on my varifocals. They've already been replaced once as the lacquer coating was coming off. The optician at that time bought another frame in, which she still had and was willing to replace the frame for a second time. She was very nice about it, great customer service. I bought some anti-fog cloths from her, we shall see, or maybe not.

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