Derelict jetty

I went and stood on the end of this jetty,  but quickly shuffled off as I had visions of falling right through into the warm water.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 405 new cases, 0 fatalities and 322 recoveries today.
46,835 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.

Bahrain has  3,537  active cases,  93 are receiving treatment,  41  critical  cases.   170  deaths recorded.   43,128 recoveries.  Total tests done is  972,003

U.S. coronavirus death toll hits 170,000 ahead of fall flu season.
The United States has at least 5.5 million confirmed cases.

Italy is to shut discos and clubs and make it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors.  Italy has recorded more than 35,000 deaths

Worldwide there are at least 21.5 million coronavirus cases and over 765,000 confirmed deaths.

South Korea warned of more limits on gatherings as new novel coronavirus outbreaks appeared, including one linked to the Sarang Jeil Church in Seoul where more than 300 congregation members have been infected 

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