Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Crab Apple vodka

Well, it's one of those irritating Sundays. More irritating than normal as it's just me and John.

Sundays are the days when he realises how tired he is; so he got up at 8.15 (big hoorah, as it meant I had a lie in), and after his 1.5 weetabix, he went back to bed around 9.30.

I thought I'd grab a quick shower and try and tidy up. 2 hours later he got up.

Tried him on some pasta, but not interested. Tried to play in the front room; not that interested.
Changed his nappy, back downstairs for another attempt at food. Threw it all on the floor.
12:20. Back to bed again.

Now, I shouldn't complain - but I was hoping to try and go somewhere today.

When he next wakes up; he's going to be hungry (potato waffle currently under the grill for him); so will not be able to go out.

Anyway; at least I got a chance to decant the Crab Apple Vodka. Unfortunately the bottle is too small; so I'll have to have a wee sample.

It's a lovely colour, and hopefully if I get enough apples to attempt cider this year, then I think the Crabs will really help to give it a nice reddish hue.

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