
By Houseonahill6

The forgotten road

Had an unexpected and fascinating day. We had planned just to go out and get some eggs but I came across an interesting article and sent it to Mike and then we were on our way.
The forecast was for heavy rain but we decided to chance it.
First we went for a walk along the Dam wall. You could see where the water usually sits but after several dry spells the water has receded considerably. Still fine views in both directions. I could not see the pair of ravens that sometimes nest nearby but we were joined by rock pipets and wagtails.
The water from Loch Glascarnoch goes from here through a 5 mile tunnel to the Mossford power station to provide Hydro electric. There may be less use of hydro electric now that wind turbines have popped up on nearby hillsides.
Further along the road we parked in the last carpark and made our way across rocks and dried peat to the old single track, Inverness to Ullapool road. Amazing to walk on a road that is usually covered in water. It was in remarkable condition. We walked to the first bridge which again seemed untouched and still solid.Piles of stones marked the spot where Crofts used to stand.We collected a few interesting pieces of drift wood.Plants have already started to grow and I spotted several very nice sundew plants glistening in the sunshine.
It was hot as we walked back with no sign of rain , just a blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds.
You can not go that far and not continue on to Ullapool. So we were lucky to get an outside table at the Ceilidh Inn.They now have a Gazebo up and more tables on the grass outside which suits us as we would much rather eat outside even before COVID.
They were doing the Eat out Scheme too so we choose the baked Cod on crushed new potatoes with watercress and sun dried tomatoes , it was delicious. We even had room for a pudding, I had cheesecake and Mike had sticky toffee pudding.
We drove on to the mountain view point, such a clear day you could see for miles.
A walk by Loch Droma with threatening clouds behind us but wonderful reflections in the still water.

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