Daily Wild

By emyjane

Meet Dudley!

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Almost impossible to get his photo, as Dudley is a wren & he's fast, as in, lightening speeds through the bushes, so I'm amazed I got him at all. He's worked out when I call Larry, he can get some worms too, so now he comes. Plus, he's learned his name & I was calling him when I took this photo & instead of flying away, or zipping away, he stayed... he comes into the garage, flies on top of the boxes & looks at me... I think I have a new best friend... Larry, you're still my number one, please don't get jealous...

Larry wishes for sun

Torrential rain today. The garden is one big puddle again. Outside right now, there's Larry singing & Dudley singing too. And on my bed I have a very happy & loud purring cat called Charlie. It's a peaceful Sunday :) xxx

Btw - Dudley has been named after Dudley Moore, who was small & could play the piano very well. Well, Dudley is also small & can sing very well, so it was a fitting name to give him. And he's a he, because only (as far as I am aware) the males sing. Wrens are the UK's most common bird, there's 8.5 million breeding pairs, but as they only eat insects & spiders, they perish in cold winters. Dudley has got a taste for mealworms & will have at least two every time. I have a feeling I'm going to be overrun by baby robins, blackbirds & wrens this year. How wonderful will that be? :)

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