Did I have a wee? ...And the moral of the story is

This morning Ann had to do a little bit of shopping so I went with her and waited in the car and then we went down to 'Porty Beach' so that I could play with my ball.

I played with my ball all the way along the beach. But 'Porty Beach' is very long so I got very tired and had to keep finding places to have a little cool down.

After about half an hour Ann was worried that she'd exhausted me, so we walked back to the car along the prom because there are loads of places that have bowls of water out for doggies. I was very thirsty and I really wanted a drink.

Unfortunately I prefer to carry the ball back to the car myself. Every time I reached a bowl of water I just looked at it longingly and carried on walking. Ann said that she would hold the ball while I had a drink. But I didn't trust her not to give it back. A couple of times she tried to take it off me, but I can clench my jaws pretty tight shut when I want.

Long story short.......................

When we got home I drank a whole bowl of water. And then I lay down for a snooze.

A couple of hours later Ann was in the bedroom and she heard me faffing around in the hall. I never faff around in the hall. I always just stay in the living-room/kitchen or chillax on the balcony. When Ann came out of the bedroom she saw that I'd plonked myself down by the front door. I never plonk myself down by the front door . And then she noticed splashes of water wee on the hall floor??????

Can any of you remember the difficulty that Ann had trying to toilet train me when I was a weeny, teeny puppy? I've not wee'd in the house for well over a year now because I am a big grown up collie pup.

So the question is.................... Did I wee in the house or did the 'splashes of water' come from some unknown source? And why was I lying by the front door when I've never lain there before? Anyway I didn't get into trouble because Ann didn't catch me 'in the act'.

Went out for my afternoon walk about an hour later and I had 5 wee's. That's unheard of for me. There again I guess if I drink a whole bowl of water in one go, it's got to come out again at some point????!!!!

So the moral of the story has to be.......................... If the dog drinks a whole bowl of water in one go....................... the dog probably needs to go out for toileting purposes straight away?????????????????????????

PS - Ann's friend has just been round for dinner.  She's starting a diet on Monday for 8 weeks and has to drink 2 ltrs of water a day(so now Ann is going to be 'BillynoMates' even more than she already is) .  Mmmmmmm.................. Ann's tried that twice?!!!  No advantages whatsoever.  Apart from spending half one's live on the toilet.  Obv that is not an advantage?!!!!  #whatgoesinhastocomeout

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