Drama, Day 4

Another day has gone by in a flash. 

Junior's car went in for its annual check so I had to ferry him to and from the testing station. 

Work was busy. It usually is just after the schools have gone back. Cue unhappy parents, somewhere, about something. 

Then I put in 2.5 hours in the garden after I got home from work. The grass is cut - plus a few other cosmetic jobs which will make it look good over the weekend. 

Then there was the squirrel. It woke me at 2am, scratching away under my bedroom floor. I bashed the floor with a golf club for a while and that seemed to scare it away. 

However, there has been progress. I am moving forward. 

First, the intruder alarm was silent all night. Next, I have a pest control expert coming tomorrow - so glad he could come so soon. Then, I think I have found where it is getting in.  

We shall see. 

Grey squirrels are classed as vermin. Red squirrels are endangered (by the greys) and protected. So, the guy has to trap it to find out which kind it is. We only see greys around here, but the reds' territory starts just over the hill.

It is illegal to release a grey once trapped, so it has to be disposed of humanely. 

The Blip is just a quick shot from the Office. I wanted to catch the sun in case it disappears for the weekend again. 

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