What struck my fancy

By TonyLuxton

Post-retirement work

slightly delayed, I left properly in 2015 and for several years I was helping various committees and much of the work was done at home. Couriers would bring parcels of copied case notes which required a lot of detailed study ready for meetings. Bit by bit the amount stored at home grew and grew. Much of the material related to events around 20 years ago. All the issues had long been settled and these copies and my notes had no official status any more. All the time I am getting older and yet the decision had to be made - destroy them Tony! Who else - your executors?

Yes, if you try you can read the subject's name as George, no other identifiers though so to all intents and purposes he remains anonymous.

So for the best part of two days I worked tirelessly to reduce all the paperwork to shreds. And I gained control of my study once more. I can walk round it again and even hoover the carpet.


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