
By ayearinthelife

Can’t Find My Way Home

When I bought my car two years ago, the maps in the Sat Nav were already 4 years out of date and, as I was still travelling all over for work at that time, I enquired about how much it would be for an update.
Apparently, to have it done by the dealer would cost in excess of £100 and that was for a “once only” update. However, if I was to sign up to the “Connected” service, I could then subscribe to two years worth of map updates for half that amount. I duly signed up and discovered a few features which were fun at first - using my phone to remotely lock or unlock the car, flash the lights to locate it in a car park or simply give me the quickest route back if I couldn’t even remember where I’d parked it in the first place! - but which were hardly used after the initial novelty value had worn off.
But I have taken advantage of the regular map updates and though I gave up work in June, I figured I might as well get the latest update before my subscription runs out next week. Since the last time I did this, we have upgraded to fibre broadband and I’ve got to say the process was a hell of a lot quicker. I think the first update took over 5 hours but this time only an hour and a half or so.
It’s now just a question of transferring the download to a USB (had to buy one especially as none of the half dozen or so I had knocking around had quite enough capacity on it!) and then plugging it into the car the next time I go out on a longer journey than just popping to the shops.
Now I’ve retired, I’m hoping to travel for pleasure rather than business but, until this disease is under control, it will be the U.K. rather than all of Western Europe. I don’t intend renewing the subscription so let’s hope there are no major road building plans in the pipeline and that this update will suffice for the next couple of years.

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