We needed an ad-visor!

F's daughter has a shop and needed a visor for serving the customers.  She could only buy a pack of ten so gave F and I one each.

Today we went to Sainsbury's to do our shopping and decided to wear the visors for the first time. We had great difficulty with them.  Despite putting our reading glasses on we couldn't see to read anything.  I couldn't read prices, use by dates or even my shopping list.  In fact I had to get close to tell if it was F pushing the trolley!

When we got back F had a brilliant idea - he found a plastic film over the front of the visors! We had such a laugh about our stupidity and F phoned his daughter to tell her how silly we'd been.  

She said that she'd managed with the film on for two days before a customer told her about it.  She's obviously got much better eyesight than us!

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