Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


May I introduce you to our new Cavalier - Min! 

Our friend B, who is a Cavalier judge and breeder, is "retiring" Min after she had two litters.  B only allows her girls to have 2 and rarely 3 litters then she "retires" them.  B knew that we wanted another "retiree" and I wanted a tri-color, so even though Min produced healthy, gorgeous puppies, B decided to let Min come and live with us.  

I confess that I did not take this photo.  But I wanted to share her with you.  

We saw Min a couple of years ago when we picked up Yofi.  But I fell in love with Min then. She and Yofi were also really good pals.  So when B called me to ask if we would be interested in Min, I jumped at the chance.  

Min is a little larger than our Wally and Yofi, and she is a year younger than Yofi and fairly active.  So, I will have a new walking/hiking buddy now.  (Wally is getting too old to climb the hills, and Yofi is just happy to lounge around the house.)

Min is getting spayed next week.  So in 2-3 weeks, we will drive up to Bs and pick her up.  

We are so excited!  Lots of Min blips will follow! 

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