Bearbrook Falls

I started the day with a webinar hosted by Park Cameras on Mindfulness and photography - very thought provoking and interesting.  I had already decided that I would walk along the canal path from Broughton into Aylesbury so then loaded a wide prime onto the camera and followed up the mindfulness.  By mentally connecting with one's subject the resulting images should be more meaningful.  I managed to get quite a few  positive images.  At one point the Bearbrook stream passes under the canal giving rise to this waterfall.  Here I popped my camera into the ND mode filter to blur the water and also added in a bit of ICM - interesting results with quite a few 'attempts'. A couple of extras added from the walk - a double exposure and an abstract shape/shadow pattern.
I will return tomorrow with a longer lens to catch some of the other interesting aspects including a building currently undergoing demolition.

I received a request today to judge for Liverpool South CC later in the year - an interesting result of Lockdown and Zoom with guest judging far afield; in the same week I'll be 'in' Ilkley!

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