The Dichty- another section

A dull overcast day

In the morning, I was leading and preaching in our Church Service. This was the first week of four, looking at Mark Chapter One. As a church, we are getting freer in our worship, despite the restrictions although it did seem strange looking out at people’s faces covered by masks.

After lunch we went to Dobbie’s Garden Centre where we met our Grandson and his wife. We wanted to buy something for their garden to thank them for all the work they had done for us by getting our shopping every week during lockdown.

I had walked to Dobbies and back, a distance of 6 miles- I am now just 17 miles short of my target of 100 miles walked in August, with a week to go. The route I took meant I passed another section of The Dichty near Linlathan Road.

I am now settling down to watch the Champions League Final which promises to be a classic between two great teams.

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