Chapel Chap

H wanted to a look around Windsor Castle so we followed their mildly confusing entry instructions, submitted to the airport style security and went in.

I do like a Castle and love a bit of history so it was good. Although wandering around the State apartments got a little dull with my glasses steaming up ( mask ).

I am frankly amazed that people find it so difficult to wear a mask, yes they are annoying but come on.
H went to have a look around St George’s chapel while I went off to take some photos.
When I went to meet here she was sitting in the entrance with ‘John’ a senior steward ( he is 86 so that’s pretty senior). Turns out he was born in Cambridge, they were discussing the boat race when I got there.

After we finished in there and had a well deserved pint we walked across to Eton. Ian lived there for a while so we had a pint in the pub next door to his old place.

Out for Greek tonight, cocktails first though.

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