Gullane to North Berwick

For those of you who read our BLIP yesterday you will know that nothing very exciting happened. And my very lovely owner, Ann, promised me that today we would go out together for the day, to somewhere that I hadn't been to before.

Today we went to Gullane and walked 7 miles along the beach to North Berwick. What a fabulous day out for a little collie pup. I was off my lead for the whole of the walk and what a fantastic time I had. The tide was out so I had loads of space to run about. I had the bestest time ever. I ran, I splashed in the rock pools, I swam in the sea, I looked for bunnies in the dunes. It was fabulous. And what was even better; for most of the walk I had all of the beaches to myself. We didn't meet lots of people until we got to North Berwick.

….............And do you know what the best thing about this walk was?......................... About half way into our walk I found the bounciest of bouncy balls.  A really bouncy green & purple ball was just lying on the beach and as there was no one else around I was allowed to keep it. Yay!

Today I have had the bestest walk ever. I'm such a lucky little collie pup to be taken on all these adventures.

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