Do you wanna be in my gang..................

So the devil doesn't look after his own then, because this wasn't the weather I wanted for my big day, thanks to Storm Francis. We had to have a change of plan as we were going to go down to Mumbles, but due to the high winds thought it best to stay local. We went to Cowbridge and had coffee and a snack in Farthings. The place is usually buzzing but  besides ourselves and another  couple, it was dead. I  had a look in the Joules shop, but nothing took my fancy. We walked back to the car and then went down to Porthcawl to wave watch. It was really busy and the foam blowing off the sea was almost like it was snowing. J got out to take some photos but I stayed in the car as I didn't want to wreck my camera again. We then decided to come home as it seems to be the safest place to be until Storm Francis blows away. We are having an early  meal and for starters we are having oak fired Camembert with  oatmeal oat cakes for dipping. and then pulled beef & porcini en  croutes with goose fat chips. Dessert, if I can eat it ,is passion fruit  cake.
The balloons were bought for me by our daughter & son -in-law, and they delivered them yesterday. I had to hide in the bedroom while they put them up , and I had to close my eyes when I entered the living room. I think they are amazing. 

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