Us 47 years ago.

Strictly speaking this wasn't taken today, but the image of the image was, if you know what I mean?

So, on our 47th wedding anniversary  I've cleaned the house, went to Tesco because we were running out of toilet rolls, been to the Vets with Kiri as her tummy still isn't right, stitched up the hems on Franky's school trousers - how come my girls can't sew is beyond me! Stitching up the hems is a labour of love on my part, think I'll suggest wonderweb tape next time. I've also  been for a windy dog walk, storm Francis is in full force as I write this. But tonight we are booked into a local restaurant, this will be the first time we've eaten out since lockdown. Our friend Jackie who was widowed 2 years ago is joining us, we are very happy about that, after all we have lived in each others pockets for the past 5 months, apart from my 36 hour visit to Norfolk a couple of weeks ago. 

During lockdown we sorted out our loft and I found various bits from our wedding including a swatch of my and the bridesmaid dresses material. Also the bag from the shop I'd bought them from. I've put together a collage (extra) for my memories. My Mums lovely handwriting on the invitation sent to Jeff's Mum! All very correctly done back then! I still love the material. I had the dress made but hated the way it had been done so I unpicked it and remade it! Which is why I wonder why my girls can't sew!

Adding a PS here just because. Just had a text from Hayley it reads .....

Apparently it's Emmeline's wedding day to her wife Reggie today. Grandad worked to get the money to buy her wedding dress, and Mummy and Daddy need to try really hard not to fart!

That child's imagination!

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