Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Green Frog

This is apparently a subspecies of the green frog called a bronze frog. There are two subspecies: Northern green frog and bronze frog. In theory the bronze frog is a more southern frog and its range extends from North Carolina south - but I think maybe it extends northward to Virginia because this one certainly looks like a bronze frog to me! SEEK said green frog, for whatever that's worth. And that's true, I guess.

It was, rather unwisely, sitting stock still like this in the middle of the dirt road when we walked by. We stopped. Stared. Took her photo. And then I shifted her over to the side she was facing and put her down in the grass at the edge of a field. The farm pond is down the hill from there - I guess we assume that's where she was going. But she was absolutely still - even when I picked her up and put her down again. Odd. 

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