I never tire of ......

..... this place!
Since lockdown my " bestie" and me have had a prayer slot on a Wednesday 1/2ish' pm . We've kept this up as far as possible, today we decided to go out. As C hadn't been to Godstone that's where we went.
I took a picnic lunch and a flask of mint tea . We sat and ate and drank , then as it was C turn to lead we did a bible reading and discussed the same had a prayer , then went for a walk. My mobility had been so bad in the past few days and added pain made it really uncomfortable. However I was determined to make a great effort today. With the help of my walker I made it along Bay Pond ( hadn't done this since 2019) . C was thrilled and walked further on to the church and was as enthralled as I am when I manage it. So much so, she wants to go back on Saturday ! We'll see.
The weather has been kind to us today a little chill in the air with some sun too. We both enjoyed our " out".
Do hope you have all had a good day in blip land , stay safe .

Grateful ..... for a very enjoyable day .

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