
By GirlKojak

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

I feel
Mine is the wisdom of the ages.
I hold the key to the mysteries of Life.
Casting my seeds on fertile ground,
I nurture them with constancy and purpose.
My sights are fixed,
my gaze unchanging.
Unyielding, inexorable and deep,
I advance with steady unslackened gait,
the solid earth beneath me.
I Am The Snake


KaliBug's February Challenge: 9) An Over-Edited Photo

After going to see Madagascar 3 to celebrate Baby Hannah's Big Sister's birthday, I dashed into Durham to catch the Chinese New Year celebrations. The Lion Dance was superb. I watched for nearly an hour. The guys were great with the crowd, especially the kids. They must have been exhausted though! They kept going for about two and a half hours, performing all over the centre of Durham spreading good luck and banishing bad luck.

I had thought that this would be the ideal opportunity to get a photo suitable for over-editing. Actually I found it really difficult! Those who follow my blip journal may be surprised as I'm certainly not one for under-editing. I think that was part of the problem though - it was difficult to make this stand out from my everyday blips! I tried a lot of techniques with a lot of photos, but either they didn't look very edited or they were totally unrecognisable! Am just hoping that this fits the bill.

China ... because the Monty Python option is maybe a little too non-PC!

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