A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden


At the beginning of lockdown back in March things were mad. Panic buying loo rolls, pasta, bread flour and so on. Everywhere was shut. It dawned on me that I wasn't going to be able to restock my containers with plants like I normally would. No problem, I'd order seeds online. Hah! Everybody else had the same idea and seed companies were swamped. We also had very little compost. So, we did our containers by using compost from the plants we had in the plant hospital, and planted them in the containers. I also managed to get some wild flower seed mixes and sowed them in my large containers.
Fast forward to now and some of the wildflowers have set seed. The ones here are from a pea like plant in the mix. It flowered prolificly with two tone purple and cerise flowers. Very similar to sweet peas. I'm thinking hanging baskets for these.

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