Burg Reichenstein, Trechtingshausen, GERMANY

AW didn't go to Eindhoven today but I went back to the Rhine ... such a lovely and interesting place.  When AW and I met on that European tour way back in 1986, the group went on a Rhine cruise from Bacharach to Bingen, the exact same area I'm now enjoying.  At the time, AW drove the empty bus to Bingen to pick up the group at the end of the cruise, and I wished so much that he came along today so that he, too, could appreciate the area the same way we did in 1986.

After the chocolate cake at Reichenstein, drove on to Burg Sooneck, which is really close by.  Sooneck has been closed since the start of COVID-19.  I assume they felt they couldn't guarantee social distancing as the castle isn't as large as many others, and it would still amount to a loss if you opened to the public and let in only 10 people at a time.  Did take shots of the outside, though.  The sunny day continued so I drove on to Bacharach and climbed up to its own castle, Burg Stahlek, which has been recycled and turned into a youth hostel.  Visitors can get as far as the courtyard and outdoor paths, but not into the castle itself, but that was okay with me.  Also walked through the town ... I just love those old structures, even though I know they've been renovated.  Many of them have existed since the Middle Ages.  It's also educational when you recall how similar structures look elsewhere -- France, the UK, Denmark, etc. -- and realize how various areas in Europe influenced each other's building styles.  In fact, I'm learning more from these trips than I would have done if I had just looked up information online.  One of the best things when on the various castles are the views of the Rhine.  Absolutely worth all the effort to go there.

In short, three castles today.  One more trip should wrap up the area.  Only question is when, as the weather is definitely changing

Filled up the car (really cheap in Germany these days, going down as low as 0.99 if you're lucky) then the long drive back home.  Fantastic sunny day and the route seems to be getting shorter, in a manner of speaking, because I've grown so used to it.  I was home by 22.00 and it wasn't even all that dark yet.  A couple of extras -- Sooneck and Bacharach.

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