
By SnaphappySally

Stress buster

I’ve been working on my stash buster blanket quite a lot of today, mainly to stop pacing. My youngest son sent me a picture of his face this morning with quite a shiner , bumps bruises and scrapes on it. He told me his brother had heard a clatter as he went down and found him on the bathroom floor in the morning and he’d no idea how he got there. Of course my mind went into overdrive. We discussed drugs dehydration and fainting, some sort of hypo episode , a seizure...
I suggested he went to A nd E to get checked out bearing in mind he banged his head and he said no. His dad then jumped in and said the same and he agreed!!! I’ve been waiting since about 1:30 to hear how he’s getting on. Could be interesting as he’s supposed to be self quarantined after a holiday in spain. So I’m on tenterhooks....

ETA as I typed this he rang- good news . Again our marvellous NHS came good. He has antibiotics as he has an infection of some sort (?) picked up on blood test ( but not the cause of the fall), and a CAT scan didn’t detect any head injury nor did they suspect any underlying conditions. In the end he thinks he was really tired and he slipped on a towel! ( that’ll teach him to be tidier). Phew. Relief all round. He’s 25. When do we stop worrying???

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