The Ghost Swift

By TheGhostSwift

Snow and a Bunting does not a Snow Bunting make.

My plans for today have been well and truly scuppered by the weather. I had planned a day of slash and burn, clearing some scrub from around the pond in my wildlife site but the overnight snow made the prospect dangerous and unappealing. Instead some long overdue spring cleaning took priority and on coffee breaks I have been enjoying the wildlife through my windows.
I spent a pleasant 5 minutes watching a bank vole gathering leaves and nest material from half way up a clematis vine on the side of the house. Later an unusual bird caught my eye at my feeder. I get a wide range of creatures visiting my garden and blippers may recall my previous muntjac image. Closer inspection revealed the visitor to be a reed bunting, a first for my garden and indeed a first for me!
Happy days!

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