Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Quite a while back we got a Vegepod. It’s a great thing. We had it down the south side of the house, so as to avoid too much heat. That may be why the chilies and basil have not managed to survive the winter, and why some other things have grown sooooooo small and slowly I'm not even going to talk about it. 

So. It's time to replant, and we decided to move it, and put it up on a newly-bought stand for good measure. 

Well, that was a morning's work for all of us. There was. No. Way. It would be moving with all the soil in it. So I shovelled out as much as I could (leaving the corner with parsley, chives, and thyme which were all going well), and carted it (three wheelbarrow-loads) around to the back of the house (east-facing, which I think is a good compromise; avoiding the afternoon sun which is ridiculous in summer). Kids and I assembled the stand, and I set about levelling it. Mrs tsuken and I then dragged the pod itself around to the back, and the four of us grabbed it up onto the stand. 


I then planted new chillies, basil, as well as more chives and thyme (because chives and because thyme). 

Really pleased with it. 

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