Out in Force

'Keeping your ice cream cold?' asked a smiling Ms T.
'Sorry, what do you mean?' replied the police officer also with a big grin.
'The youth are coming to protest at the bridge, are you going to be selling them ice cream? I suppose it might melt before they get here!' said Ms T.
The officers looked slightly confused for a moment but then the penny dropped.
"I'm just wondering if there is a reason why you haven't switched off the engines of your riot vans! You do realise it's a climate protest!' Ms T responded.

When we can back no diesel fumes were being pumped out into the atmosphere.

On a serious note, XR youth are protesting at the bridge today (good for them), I'm not too sure why so many police are needed it does seem excessive especially as there is also private security.  In addition, they are protesting for just a day, so I'm also confused as to why the authorities have closed the bridge for four days!

I'm sure by now that the extra needs no explanation.

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