
The first day at sea was not too rough, apart from about 2 hours with 4m waves, then just pleasantly rocked us to sleep. We arrived at the Faroe Islands at 3.30am. There was a lot of noise, many cars and camper vans getting on and going back to Denmark, not many people were willing to spend the. 5 days in quarantine and pay for 2 tests at about 80 Euros each person per test.
The day was enjoyed firstly at the breakfast buffet, followed by a morning snooze, a couple of hours in the cafe bar reading and staring at the sea. Our route was different to usual, this time between Shetland and Orkney, passing close to Foula Island. The severe storms were north of The Shetlands, so I think we were avoiding them. But it wasn’t possible to avoid the force 8 to 9 gales that arrived as we went to bed. Oh my goodness lying in the bunk, we hit 7 or 8 m waves and it felt like we were in free fall, like a roller coaster with the stomach still on the ceiling of the cabin! I never felt sick, but it was quite difficult to sleep.
Foula looks great, the most remote inhabited island, the second highest sea cliffs and lots of sea stacks and sea arches.

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