
By simisue


Today is the last day of August.  Summer flew by in a flash!

A few days ago, I was walking Angus & Scout in our neighborhood.
On the way home I looked ahead on the sidewalk, & saw a BOBCAT
jump through the fence, grab a rabbit & drag it down the slope.
It happened very fast, but was was quite disturbing for a variety of reasons. 
Scout was terrified.

Because we live surrounded by open space, I know BOBCATS
are probably around all the time, but I was shocked to see this lethal hunter in action.   Also, I  was surprised at how small it was, not much bigger than a house cat.

There have been many times, while walking  in the neighborhood, when Scout stopped, reared  up on her hind legs to look around, then turned  to go home.  I always assumed this smart dog sensed danger, so Angus & I always followed her home, in a hurry.  Now I know she did sense danger all those times.

Unfortunately, this rabbit did not get the memo about this small predator lurking on the other side of the street.

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