
By IntothewildMan

Colchicum in the sun

Unexpected sunny days, how lovely. Yesterday evening we joined some local folk out at Waxham beach to light a beacon in honour and support of the London rebels. After last summer’s escapades in the Big Smoke, I am keeping my protest activities local.
Meanwhile I am trying to learn more about rewilding as I feel a lot of distress about how we are collectively harming the earth and many of the creatures we share it with. I left the acre meadow last year without a hay cut, to choose its own direction and it is getting more wild and tussocky. There was a lot of Birds Foot Trefoil this year, what we used to called Eggs and Bacon when we were ypung, which is the foodplant of the Common Blue Butterfly. Also the jays have been busy burying acorns all over and I see dozens of little oak seedlings dotted around among the long grass. There is a dilemma now about whether to refrain totally from interference and allow oaks to grow up all over the place...or perhaps the deer will come and eat them...or possibly to borrow some browsers, horses or cows maybe, to graze parts of the meadow which would leave clear areas for new wild flowers to spring up.
On the plus side, we have seen more and more wild creatures closer to home over the past spring and summer; and heard some at night that we couldn’t see.
I have also let half the garden go wild this year but mowed back a little area this afternoon and came across these beautiful purple colchicum flowers in the long grass.

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