Long Acre Alleyway

This image is of an illuminated alleyway off Long Acre in Covent Garden. I took this with my fish eye lens. Usually at 8mm you are left with the circular image and a black background. Here the darkness has meant that the circular image has merged with the background. In the background you can just see some people in a courtyard. If you enlarge the image you can see a lot more detail of the tunnel.

Today my grandkids went back to their primary school in Ireland. My granddaughter's new teacher sent out a video link yesterday to her class. She introduced herself, showed them the classroom and told them what they would be doing on their first day. The impact of this was that Granddaughter got up early this morning packed her school bag and waited for her parents to come down. She was so happy and was full of it when I spoke with her this evening. So well done her teacher.

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