All out to get you

Well another day of bad service from Citylink.

I walk up towards the bus (in Buchanan bus station I might ad) and when I get a maximum of 5 yards away the bus door closes. I walk up and chap the door but the driver ignores me. I chap again and he turns round and points up to where the clock on the bus is. I then put both my hands out and gesture come on, please. He shakes his head and then sits for about 20-30 seconds before reversing out.

Really - what is that all about?

Then a voice in my head said -

Maybe they are all out to get you

Which made me think of when I was much younger. Not a house or party would you go to that didn't have the best of James playing at some point.

Then they released James - Getting away with it all messed up. Which was a farewell live album. This was released the year all my friends and I turned 18 and was played to death.

We had some weird parties that summer, that's for sure! Happy days and sorry mum about mess!

James - All out to get you

I'm so alone tonight
My bed feels larger than when I was small
Lost in memories, lost in all the sheets and all old pillows
So alone tonight, miss you more than I will let you know
Miss the outline of your back, miss you breathing down my neck
All out to get you, once again, they're all out to get you, once again

Insecure, what ya gonna do
Feel so small, they could step on you
Called you up, answer machine, when the human touch
Is what I need, what I need is you, I need you

Looked in the mirror, I don't know who I am any more
The face is familiar, but the eyes, the eyes give it all away
They're all out to get you, once again, they're all out to get you
Here they come again

Insecure, what ya gonna do
Feel so small, they could step on you
Called you up, answer machine, when the human touch
Is what I need, what I need is you

Let me breathe, if you'd let me breathe
They're all out to get you, once again, they're all out to get you

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