Hiding in Open View

This little Treefrog (about 2 inches or 5 cm) was hanging out under my porch light ..... he was gobbling up those little bugs attracted to the light. I tried to get him to turn around and look at me but he would not do it.......so you get the back of his head!

This morning I took Ellie to the Dentist; she was so good. She was so cooperative and ready to do whatever the dentist needed, but when the dentist said, "let's play a game"  she she looked at him and said, "you look at my teeth"....smart girl.....she wasn't about to mess around with a silly game ....she was very serious and seemed to be saying, "just look at my teeth, take the photos of my teeth and let me go home".....but not in those exact words. Afterward, we went to to my second son's house to take some things over there.. she was so happy to see them and their kitty. We went back to her house later and played Legos for awhile; then I did a little shopping before going home for a crab dinner with our grandson....it was so nice to visit with him.....he is liking his job right now and he has decided to take this semester off from college; he is hoping to start in person at University of Oregon next semester. These are such difficult times and he is unsure about the direction of his life at the moment. I love him so much and feel sad that he is struggling so much, but he is a great kid and he will be fine. 

I hope all of you are well and remembering to be nice to everyone. 

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