
By karisfitch

Cousins who Climb

My Granda was one of 4 kids - Sadie, Greta, Jim (my Granda) and Ronnie. They grew up in East Belfast, where my Granda and our family still live. I wonder if they ever thought growing up that their grandkids would be friends!

So good to hang out with Isaac (whose Granny was Sadie) and Sam (whose Granda is Ronnie) today. Such great chat, and great craic - always so encouraging, full of faith, wisdom and honesty. I feel proud to be related to them! And it’s hard to beat the views of Belfast and beyond, from the top of Cavehill.

Sam was informing us today that he is in fact Sam Anderson the Fifth...it seems his name has been passed down through the generations! Including our Great Grandad Sam Anderson the Second (who had a fantastic moustache - extra). ((And another extra of a rainbow, from the cave where cavehill gets its name))

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