Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Standards are slipping here!

It's 5.32 and Cleo hasn't been fed so she`s taken up her stance at the cupboard. You can set your watch by her. Strange thing is once she gets her food she doesn't eat it, she just wanders off having made her point about who is in charge!!!

I had another good day of getting things done - I changed our power contract, the annoying thing is it's still with the same supplier, EDF. I decided to use a comparison site and somehow, the new tariff (although the one we were on was theoretically the cheapest for us) is due to cost us £500 a year less, that's 25%. I phoned EDF to see if they could switch tariffs for me but they didn't have the new one available. So I had to do it through the website. It's irritating that it has to be more complicated, but I'm glad I looked into it. That's a lot of money!

I've managed to get my two outstanding hospital appointments sorted too. The first, to look at my knee is on Monday and today I managed to confirm a second for a fortnight's time, it had been cancelled from the 26th March, so it is long overdue, it's all happening.

I got the bramble jelly finished off today, it's set really nicely and tastes good. I walked into D'Mains this afternoon and managed to avoid the worst of the showers. I had to go to Tesco which is about as exciting as it gets just now.

This evening I was giving a talk at the Borders Cursillo meeting. The good thing about Zoom is not having to drive there and then come back home in the dark. Nice to see lots of friendly faces.

We watched the final part of A Suitable Boy. I think it was the most realistic episode of the lot. Thoroughly enjoyed it, although I think, as someone for whom India is a second home and a place that I love, that the India portrayed is still too clean and dust free compared to reality.

I set things up for tomorrow morning before heading to bed, I've a Zoom Cursillo meeting in London tomorrow morning!!!

It's worrying to see the current rises in cases, stay safe everybody. Much as I love the sun, I've no intention of travelling for a good while yet. I wouldn't feel safe and the travel itself doesn't sound a very pleasant experience just now.
Steps today 8300

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