My Aim is True


Sunday radio

late lunch, then off to get the messages - in the very nice posh shop, and then in the hellsih shop. Built some furniture. Then had to do a wee bit work....

Sunday radio really should be better. radio 2 - at 1 pm is Elaine Paige with songs from the shows. (surely gay men are busy shopping in Ikea at that time?) At 7 it's Alan Titmarch (the most annoying man in broadcasting?) with Melodies for You (you just know from that title that it's gonna be dire), and that is followed by some religious guff!

However over on Radio 1 there seems to be a stream of mediocre DJs who shout and act all "crayzee and zany"....

And Radio 4 is just a bit too ernest today with archeology and books and PJ Wodehouse

Anyway....this will cheer you up.

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