
I know I blipped this little solar lantern a while a go but I didn’t take any pictures all day and wanted a diary entry to the journal.

Mr C has wanted, for the last couple of years, to have S & J (our holiday buddies) and I & S (I delivers our meat) over. We met when the children were at school with us all having a child in Sims class. We went on to run the PTA for a few years together too. It was also to have all the children and partners over too. S & Js all came except A as he was isolating after a visit to Amsterdam but his girlfriend joined us (she wasn’t on the trip) but I & Ss two girls didn’t come and of course all ours were here (apart from Sim who was working). 

We stayed in the garden for the whole afternoon/evening even though the temperatures had dropped considerably (about 14*)  and my blankets/throws were made good use of from as soon as they arrived and we had an outdoor heater too.

It was lovely to see them all and apart from the chilly day I think it went off well.

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