When the Cat's Away......

When the cat's away, the mice will play.

Well I hope not as we head north this morning to the snowfields of Ballater for three nights. We'll drive north by Aberdeen rather than risk the central route by Blairgowrie and Glenshee which may very well be hard to navigate.

Neither of us skis, so our days will be filled with gentle walking and perhaps a length or two of the swimming pool, but nothing too strenuous. The forecast of heavy snow on Wednesday may only leave us with the option of building a snowman.
The available gym is small enough for us to have to fight over the equipment, so we will give that a miss.

The only problem is that with the cold and the possibly deep snow, we will be tempted to linger in cafes and sample the delights of a home baked scone or two with butter and jam. This will be a severe test of my resolve to release the thin lady from within.

My hurried imperfect blip before we leave is of my fallen-in- love -with cheese platter that we bought in Culross, ten days ago. The mouse cannot get in.

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